
Hello friends,

I have spoken to many of you and have told you Wendy and I were going to Africa very soon.  It is with great disappointment that I share that our trip this spring has been canceled due to the turmoil over there.

Wendy and I are planning to return to St Philip’s in late September or early October.

Thank you for following our journey.


3 thoughts on “Postponement

  1. I know you and Wendy are disappointed, but it is probably a wise decision for you both…many more chances in your future to reach out and help these people, but must be safe about the timing too….all part of HIS plan for you both


  2. Peter,

    So sorry your trip was postponed. Probably best but disappointing nonetheless. And, it’s so nice Wendy is going, eventually.

    Enjoy spring, when it comes, and summer and then look forward to returning to St. Philip. They’ll be anxiously awaiting your return.



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